Nurturing Math Confidence: Raising Kids Who Love Numbers

Unleash Your Creative Superpowers on International Dot Day!
Join the Dot Day magic! Discover the history, activities, and recommended books. Plus, grab your exclusive Dot Day t-shirt now. Make your mark today!

Playful Pathways to Genius: Cultivating Smart Kids Through Games

Creative Back to School Get to Know You Activities
Creative first-day activities can help break the ice and create a positive and welcoming atmosphere for elementary students. Here are some fun and engaging back to school ice breakers.

100 Fun Family Summer Activities - That Won’t Break the Bank
100 Fun Affordable Family Summer Activities that will keep your kids happy, learning, and engaged.

Laughing the Witching Hour Away with Family Game Nights

Slip into Summer Without the Slide!
There are plenty of fun and easy ways to keep your kids engaged and learning throughout the summer that don't involve spending lots of money or sending them away to camp. Here are some everyday activities for kids of all ages and abilities that can help prevent the summer slide and keep your kids on track.

Getting Kids Talking About Math with Concensus Boards
Get your students talking about math with consensus boards.

Aftermath, what to do when your students still don’t get it, but it’s time to move on.

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
My top 5 favorite free resources for supporting math instruction at home or school.

My 3 Favorite Math Review Activities
Back to School Activity
Discover the best back-to-school get to know your students activity.

What to Do on the First Day of Math Class

Middle School Math and Literature
Engage middle school students in math with literature. Find the perfect story to accompany the pre-algebra standard you are teaching.

Harness the Power of YET

Everyone Can Learn Math

Math & Literature

House Rules
Fun math games when it is ok to break the rules and make your own house rules. Great ideas for playing math games at home or school.

Teaching Integers with Math Games
What is the best game for teaching integers? Absolute Zero has several for you to choose from.

10 Reasons for Ten Frames with Toddlers and Early Elementary
Boost math skills with ten frames! Discover how ten frames enhance number sense, subitizing, addition, and more. Empower your child's math journey today